
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

We gladly welcome your comments and input.
AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get The Focus Off of YOU!

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “Why me?”. When something doesn’t go our way, its easy to feel sorry for ourselves AND to feel that God and life are not fair. And while life isn’t always fair, God will always be good to you!
Lets change this mindset TODAY:
1. Prepare your mind for battle. The devil wants you to question yourself and question God. 1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of faith”. You win the battle when you hold on to God’s Word no matter what happens to you or around you.
2. Recognize you’re a target of the enemy. Satan REALIZES how powerful you are, so he tries to bring affliction and persecution to steal the Word from your heart. Mark 4:15.
3. Refuse to feel guilty when things don’t go your way. Stop beating yourself up and blaming yourself. Its not about ‘what’s wrong with you’ or ‘why you’re being picked on.’ You are a threat to the kingdom of darkness, which makes you a high value target.
4. Know your authority. YOU HAVE POWER OVER THE ENEMY (Luke 10:19). Submit to God (and His Word); Resist the devil. And he will flee—James 4:7.
5. Believe in the power of God’s intervention. Genesis 50:20—what was meant for evil, God will turn to good. We’ll stop asking “why” and “why me”, when we TRUST God. He can turn any situation around, if we surrender it to Him.

6. Fix your eyes on Jesus—Hebrews 12:2. He will finish what He started in your life. And get the focus off YOU and on HIM. Joy and confidence will come from that.

THINK IT & SAY IT: I will fight the fight of faith by holding on to the Word of God. I have authority over the devil and his guilt, and I resist him with the Word of God. I expect God to turn my situation around, and will not act like the victim. I am more than a conqueror and my eyes are on Him, in Jesus’ Name.
Yesterday I let you know that I didn't write this daily devotional. I want to give credit to the writer but I don't want any reader to have a preconceived idea about who it is coming from right now. Sometimes that can sway our reception. :-)

The points made today have SO MUCH to do with victory in our lives. How many times have I heard people ask this question... why me? Thoughts of self-pity are SOOOOOO destructive. They break down the very foundations set up in our hearts by the words of God we have so diligently planted and held to as Believers.

There's no question our lives are a fight of faith! That means we hold on to our faith through every situation in life... no matter what the situation looks like. The truth of the word of God we love and hold dear doesn't EVER change. There in lies the battle... Making certain we don't give in... Making certain we don't quit!

Have a blessed day, Meems


CoachK said...

Meems, I needed this one today. I am in a place of having to trust that although I don't understand everything that is happening God is with me and is making my path straight. I wish He would give me a little more information but I have no doubt He is with me. But as you know, we can very easily begin to second guess ourselves. The main thing I have found is that I need to be in the Word more than ever before.

In fact I was reading in Romans this morning and it said, "The Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled," Romans 15:4 (NLT)

So between that Scripture and your post, I'm feeling pretty good right now!

Meems said...

The never ending issue with Believers ... we wish God would let us see more but yet we 'know' if we trust Him we'll see it when we need to. The main thing is to take the steps we already know... that is usually when the next step is revealed. Hard on the flesh sometimes though.

Love that scripture reference in Romans. So many folks forget to hang out in the word when hope seems lost. It IS THE PLACE to find hope... good point you made!

Thanks for letting me know you like the daily blurb.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I have been getting these daily emails thanks to you, and I have to say the timing couldn't have been better. I have really needed to be reminded of these things and have had to put the thoughts to use in my own thoughtlife. Just wanted to share with you. God is always looking out for us and I appreciate your sending me that link so that I could get this insight in a time I really needed it.

Meems said...

I'm right there with on needing to be reminded and the timely fashion God always puts something we need in our path. I'm really enjoying these daily nuggets, too. We all need that push to be better at this walk!
*hugs for you*

marmee said...

i have finally had some time to read these really great posts.
thank you dear sister for reminding us all what should be second nature to us.
i believe you are so right about what it takes to be happy or live a gratified life. you have to love yourself and not as other perceive you good or bad.
life is not always happy but it can gratifing because you know Christ paid the ultimate price just for you. being in constant rememberance of this is what helps keep you, everyone on track.
thanks for sharing your dailies.

Meems said...


This general "why me?" syndrome gets all of us in trouble if we aren't aware of the slippery slope it will takes us down.

I'm getting so much out of these daily ditties... not to be flippant at all but they are serving as a launching pad of sorts to get me thinking and meditating on so many good things. Glad you like them, too. Thanks for coming back to comment.