To say my thoughts were a little on the anxious side specifically about the recent presidential candidate announcements and our current options for the November elections would be an understatement. It’s discouraging, to say the least, to think how my beloved country has fallen for the dishonest easy-speak of one candidate who has absolutely no qualifications for becoming head of any state. Not to mention he is more liberal (by his own statements and voting record) than even what we have considered the “most liberal” of Senators now occupying those seats. The other candidate will be supported but would not be my choice if lined up with a more conservative candidate. Essentially the greatest nation on the face of the earth has narrowed the presidential field to two men, neither of which I would ultimately choose for President if given better choices.
In the quiet and in the midst of near sadness that early morning a scripture in Matthew 6 came to my heart. Jesus is in the middle of an extended church service teaching crowds of folks and He’s answering some everyday life-questions. I imagine him meeting the gaze of those dear people right in the eyes, lowering his deep, manly voice in a calming manner and gently speaking, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.” Right before those words he was watching the birds, too. (I’m sure that’s why I like birds so much, it’s my spiritual side, you know… me and Jesus.) He said, “Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. AND YOU ARE FAR MORE VALUABLE TO HIM THAN THEY ARE.” Ahhhh… now that’s comforting, that’s reassuring, and the mere breath of those words spoken to me brought peace to my soul once again.
So, can any of my worries change a single thing about the impending elections? (For that matter can my worries change any situation that has me bothered?) Worries and sadness cannot. But one thing is true, I can rest assured that no matter the outcome my Heavenly Father will take care of me… and you! It is God who has promised to watch over us no matter the state of our government or any other circumstance in our lives. In the meantime, I am resolved to pray.
Prayer opens the way for God to do His will in the earth. Rather than worry and “talk” about the poor selection we will face in November, we can pray that every Christian would seek God to know His choice for the next president and then they will exercise their right to vote. God can move through ungodly leaders when Christians pray. He did it throughout the Bible for the sake of His children. We MUST keep our eyes and heart on Him and not on the man in office.
Very timely post! All of us can use some Godly wisdom in these times of transition. I am not certain, but I can't recall any other country that gives its citizens the privilege of choosing/changing their highest governing power every four years. I have experienced many of these 'election' processes over my lifetime. The candidates rise from seemingly nowhere and pursue with much fervor the singular most prestigous political office in our country. We only have two major parties, so we usually only have two representatives of those parties from which to choose (in some years a declared candidate will get on the ballot). Out of a potential field of thousands or even millions, one singular human being is chosen to lead, guide, govern, make or break our country's future. And being the leader of what is commonly called 'the free world' and its influence across the globe, is an awesome responsibility for any one man.
I love being an American. My world travels are minimal, but having been in a third world country for a short period, I can tell anyone what a blessing it is to be a citizen of the U.S. For all the internal problems the candidates major on being able to resolve, our lives are infinitely better than the majority of other nations. We are still a great country, in spite of what you hear to the contrary in an election year.
This post so reflects my own attitude in these tumultous times. The rhetoric, the tit for tat, the "I said, he said" - it gets to be a little much. So I just do what the Bible instructs us to do; "I exhort therefore, that, FIRST of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour ..." 1 Tim. 2:1-3
As Christians, our primary allegiance is to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the sovereign head of our real citizenship, which is not of this world. We need His wisdom, His guidance, His peace to govern our lives, so that we can then live in this world according to His will as much as possible. Sometimes the choices are narrow, but we must make them in faith, and trusting that we have earnestly sought God for direction.
Jesus told Pilate "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above..." John 19:11
This comforts me in times of political uncertainty. It is an awesome thing to ultimately be accountable to God alone for what we do in this life, for the believer and the unbeliever. I pray for the authority over me and they must give account to God of how they used the authority granted them.
Let's pray, pray, pray!
As someone who follows the political landscape and process closely this post hits close to home. It is a great reminder. I have definitely felt myself being anxious about the upcoming election. I think there are many vital issues facing this nation and we are on the precipice of starting to right the ship or seeing it go woefully off course.
The next president while powerful won't be the sole reason for either event occuring, but will surely influence it a great deal.
I too pray that the right man will get the job, and that Christians will prayerfully consider the two options and vote on the facts not the hype or buzz.
The choice is abundantly clear. All that said worry and fear is counterproductive.
When things first unfolded, I was very tempted to throw in the towel and just not even vote. Then I realized that would just compound the problem...and I've always heard that if you don't vote, you can't complain! :) Unfortunately, it is easy to take on the attitude of "well, I don't really like any of the candidates, so I won't vote." I think that is what worries me the most. If enough people take on this attitude, it could be bad. I never thought that it would cross my mind, but it did. I think you were right when you said that we need to "pray that every Christian would seek God to know His choice for the next president and then they will exercise their right to vote."
pilgrim: I love being an American too. It is the greatest country on the earth by God's grace. And lately with all the news reports so grim I purposely choose to think about the good. I believe we will come out of this slump... there have been many before. It's just too bad that nowadays the media rehearses the bad allllll day long.
I'm really trusting the American people to rise up and be smarter than the media and the democrats give them credit for... AND I keep remembering 2000 when the media thought for sure Gore would win and he didn't and then in 2004 when all the pundents thought for certain Kerry had it wrapped up... and thank God he didn't.
Nathan Talbot: there is so much at stake ... I'm praying that Christians everywhere wake up from our slumber, pay attention to what God asks of us and then that we all DO our part... of course we don't need to pray about whether to vote... THAT is not an option in my opinion... it is our DUTY! Christians have sat back on many occasion and done nothing only to watch some of our precious protections be washed down the ditch of liberal elitist ideas. Okay... off my soapbox for a few minutes. Thanks for your comment.
mjm: It's true, we have to earn the right to complain! :-)
There have been some very influential people in the conservative circles advising people along the same lines you mentioned. I can see why the thought would cross our minds in our frustration... but it is foolish. The Democrat Candidate is just NOT AN OPTION so we must vote for the only one left... and then keep praying diligently for him if he gets into office.
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