Let's all shout out a great BIG thank you to 100% of the Republican Representatives that voted against the NON-stimulus stimulus package yesterday!
I'm so proud they stood up for what they believed. UNANIMOUSLY, folks. That's a huge message to the the fiscally irresponsible side that wants to mortgage away the next few generations' futures. There were also 11 Democrats who voted "no" to their new President's "change and hope" (NOT) plan.
From Gary Bauer's daily newsletter here is an excerpt from Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) of a press release he issued yesterday:
“Our nation is facing a serious economic crisis, but the Democrats in Congress have offered a purely partisan bill that does not incorporate bipartisan recommendations. The American people deserve to know that the president’s call for a compromise has been completely ignored by House Democrats who would use a time of national economic crisis to fund their big government priorities under the guise of stimulating the economy. …The Democrat bill won’t stimulate anything but more government and more debt.”
Admittedly, our economic problems are great right now but they are not insurmountable. America can overcome these times but we must stand up for what we believe to be our founding principles of free market and capitalism.
Read here for an idea on a bi-partisan STIMULUS plan. Let's start talking about what will really cause the economy to be stimulated.
I liked what Michelle Malkin had to say last night after the vote in her daily blog:
"Today Was A Good Day for Conservatism":
"There’s no mystery in how best to rebuild the party and energize the base: Talk like conservatives. Walk like conservatives. Vote like conservatives."
Now we head to the Senate for a vote.
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