
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

We gladly welcome your comments and input.
AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Friday, December 19, 2008

O Holy Night (Done Right!!!)

Thought I'd chime in on my favorite song and feature the tune being sung by three of my all-time favorite singers. Enjoy!!!


marmee said...

this song is just great and the words are always fitting. it always makes me take a moment to appreciate our Saviour.

Meems said...

mlm: I DO favor the male voices! I've resisted buying the Josh Groban for myself- had it in my cart once and put it back even. Trying to stick to my newfound less-spending rules. :-)

Anonymous said...

Michael Ball, Michael Crawford, Josh Groban...sigh.

I've almost bought that Groban CD for you too many times to count...perfect stocking stuffer!!! But I always told myself you SURELY had already downloaded it via Itunes!!! Yikezers!

gigi said...

you mean spend less on CDs so you can spend some at the plant nursery ;-)

so i've judged for myself and here is my vote!
3rd guy, Michael Crawford - I don't like at all. i know, i know - he is the phantom and all, but i do not like him singing this 'divine' song. i couldn't even listen past the first few seconds!
2nd guy, Michael Ball - not bad, not even half bad. i loved the scenery too!
1st guy, Josh Groban - now there is the one and only Josh! he 'is divine' and he does this song 'divine' justice. he just opens his mouth and out comes 'divine' sound! sigh! thanks for sharing!

Pat said...

Thank you for the sounds of Christmas. I have nabbed each one for my listening pleasure.
Merry Christmas to the Walk Wisely Family!!
Much Love,

Meems said...

Pat, Did you want to weigh on your favorite Christmas carol? thanks for stopping by... and the Christmas love.

gigi said...

beautiful new header with your brightly colored antique ornaments! Christmas brings out such lovely, cheerful decorations. children walk down our street and ooh and aah at the lights. they are so happy and bright eyed. the world seems softer, more peaceful, more friendly. it is a time of love shared, with God and with neighbor, and within our own heart hope springs eternal. aah, Christmas ~ God's remembrance of His wonderful Love given to man! Merry Christmas!

Meems said...

Geeg- thanks. I'm glad you like the header... love doing the artsy stuff and Christmas gives me a good excuse. Such a true statement... the world seems softer, more peaceful, more friendly.

Meems said...

FYI: I've a DUH moment today! I actually have the Josh Groban Noel CD already uploaded into my i-tunes library... since last year. There is a bit of an explanation as to why I didn't know this... in that when my computer crashed back in June (prior to backing up my hard drive days- speaking of DUH!)I lost my online library and haven't taken the time to check with Apple to see if they have a back up using my account. SOOOOOOO my i-pod remains un-edited since that time and I forgot about Josh's NOEL until I rediscovered it on a playlist today. Probably TMI for this post-Christmas day but it made me feel better to get it all out in the open. :-) Also, wouldn't want anyone to run right out and purchase this for me.LOL

Hope you are all enjoying some days of relaxation and reprieve from the intense days leading up to the big celebration. We'll get a new post up as soon as we have a few extra minutes.
Blessings, Meems