
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

We gladly welcome your comments and input.
AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Shake Down

Ever find yourself in a situation where you've given yourself wholly and sacrificially only to find that everything you poured out for others was refused or rejected?

I'm talking about following the will of God. I'm talking about knowing you're listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to further the kingdom of God and the call God has on your life. And still, somehow, things just don't pan out.
Due to the freedom of choice every individual has been given, every individual can choose to receive the gospel. Or not.
When Jesus sent his twelve disciples out without him (Mark 6) he gave them authority to cast out evil spirits. They went out at his command and were telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God. And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with oil.
Jesus had some rather politically incorrect instructions for them if the people HE SENT THEM TO made the choice to refuse their gifts.
We'd probably say this was a mean thing for Jesus to say... "But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”
The way Jesus speaks straight and doesn't mince words makes me love Him all the more.
Jesus sent the good news to people. His disciples were completely and utterly obedient to carry the message. If people refused the message... they were then responsible and accountable.
The only thing left is to shake that assignment's dust from your feet.


Anonymous said...

amen and amen! carry out the assignment at any cost to you, obey God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, yield yourself wholly to the task, and trust that when all is said and done, you will stand before God blameless and acceptable in His judgement. it doesn't matter what man says or does in response to your message, you have been a faithful messenger to the Lord's command. your integrity will be intact, and your heart will not condemn you for you have been obedient. all one has to do is read the epistles of Paul to realize that faithfulness in service to God does not always bring open reception and loving acceptance. nor does it guarantee rose strewn pathways. yet what higher honor could you receive that to hear Him say "well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things".

Patricia said...

Thanks, Meems! That was encouragement I needed today.

marmee said...

the word of God makes it clear and i love that. it is something to hold on to and make it thru rejections, that surely come in life. thank you Jesus that you have given us such instruction.