
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

We gladly welcome your comments and input.
AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

Well tropical storm Fay decided to take a hard left turn while she was just west of Jacksonville and head directly across the panhandle. She was moving at the snails pace of mph and maxed out at about 8mph. It started raining here on Thursday evening and did not stop for over 48 hrs. I don't think I have ever seen the rain that steady for that long in all my years in Florida. It literally did not stop. It would weaken and strengthen in intensity but it never stopped. We got a break late Saturday night and then more rain Sunday morning. All told over 15 inches of rain in Tallahassee. I am thankful that our house sits on a hill and the drainage is very good. We did have a small creek flowing through the very back of the property where all the water was draining down to an actual creek about 150 yards away.

The weekend was pretty much spent just loafing about the house. We had some major clean up to do yesterday afternoon and now things are back in shape. We did lose some large limbs from a few trees in the yard and lots of small ones. Only one large limb hit the house. It bounced off the roof and into the side yard. Thankfully nothing was damged. Some others in Tallahassee were not so fortunate. Flooding has roads closed all over the city and some houses and buildings did get flooded.
One bonus of being stuck inside was I had time to just relax and rest which was refreshing. On Saturday afternoon though I was getting a little stir crazy so I headed up to the gym. No go, they closed for the day. I should have known. So with my cabin fever and energy drink flowing through my blood I decided to get a little "home workout" in.

300 box jumps, 250 push ups, 150 sit ups, 100 lunges, and 250 deep squats later I was fine just resting. My calves are not very happy with me today after all those box jumps. I run bewteen 20 and 25 miles a week, but it is amazing what doing something different will do to your muscles.
The other benefit was I had plenty of time to cook. Here are a few of the meals we enjoyed while holed up in the rain. Fried grouper and cheese grits, and a good ol' southern breakfast of fried eggs, grits and bacon.


marmee said...

this is such a cute post n.t.
you being all domestic. i see you had every sauce available on hand! lol! do you really use all of that stuff at once?

glad the rain and winds caused you no damage we are still waiting on the rain as this august has been very dry. it is drizzling here so i am hoping for something more significant.

Anonymous said...

That was really just staging for the pic.

I have always enjoyed cooking, and having come from a long line of great cooks it only makes sense.

Arissa Mae said...

LOVED your post. I could see it all. Thanks for sharing, even the pics. Mama would be proud!

Meems said...

All that food is looking very yummy and look at you loading photos to your post... I like it!

Nothing like a rainy weekend to make your average guy want to do 5,000 exercises! :-) Whew, makes me hurt just to read it.

Seriously, eating is much more up my alley. And I am up for a big southern breakfast like yours come rain or come shine.

Interesting that we both fixed grouper this weekend-- I'm glad you gave me a visual on the grouper "fingers". I'll have to try that out too. After you talked to your dad an order for breakfast was put in here too... only we ate it for dinner that rainy Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

Cholestrol heaven! It is a good thing you can do all those exercises! I absolutely love cheese grits, being the ole' Southern woman that I am, but hubby doesn't, so I seldom have the chance to eat them. If I ever get up your way, you know what to fix me - grouper too - my fave! Makes me hungry just seeing your pics! Yumm!

Thanks for the blow by blow. I had called your Mom to check on you Sat. We kept our eye on the weather channel too. So glad it was no worse than it was, but now we have GUSTAV heading for the Gulf, and no one knows where that one will land yet. It is predicted to reach hurricane strength, so be aware! Tis the season to be ready for any storm that blows our way!

Jane said...

Glad everything faired pretty well for you.

I am wondering...where are the vegetables?

Anonymous said...

mjm what are these vegetables you speak of?

Kelley said...


Just wanted to thank you for all your comments on our blog... thank you for taking the time to espouse the conservative viewpoint so eloquently... nice to know someone out there thinks the same way we do (We're not crazy!).

Oh yeah, and your food looks delicious!

Anonymous said...


You are quite welcome. I enjoy your blog and view points. Keep up the good work. You certainly aren't crazy, you just hold dear the ideals that have made this country great.