After working for my employer for almost six years, I resigned this past Friday. It was a difficult decision, and it was made with some sadness, but a greater sense of anticipation. I am deeply grateful for all I learned while working for them, and for the opportunity I was given by them fresh out of college. I worked with some wonderful people who taught me a lot. I will carry with me the lessons I learned for the rest of my career.
The exciting part is that I have decided to open my own business here in Tallahassee. I will remain in the same field, but will now be the owner and for a little while the VP, the operations manager, sales and marketing director etc. LOL. I am looking forward to this new challenge and to creating a successful firm. There are many hurdles ahead I am sure, but I am confident that with God's help and guidance they will be overcome. I really looking forward to putting my own mark on the philosphy and culture of my company, and creating a place that people love to work for and with.
It has been truly amazing how it has all played out over the past 6 months or so of prayer, counsel, planning and decision making. Many hurdles were faced already, and a few setbacks that dismayed and frustrated me as I faced them. However, each and every time the setbacks created a different avenue or open door that was better than before. Once again I am thankful to my heavenly Father for being so faithful and for guiding me. My youth pastor growing up used to say "God is always working behind the scenes", and that has been truly evident to me during this process. I learned a lot, most importantly patience. My faith has been strengthened as when it looked like all was lost and I would not be able to accomplish my goal, I put my faith in God and trusted Him. He was faithful to see me through and create the opportunities needed to step out and take the risk of starting my own company.
Congrats, NT!!!! Let's chat soon!
Thanks. Get your edit pen ready. I am going to need it.;)
this new adventure sounds exciting and terrifing at the same time. (reminds me of spacemountain and thundermoutain,abbey and i just went to disney). but that's what makes this journey we call life a constant reminder we need the Father. i will be praying for his guidance for you as you embark.
Thanks marmee and mjm.
Marmee I sure do appreciate the prayer. I can use all of the prayer I can get.
Nathan: I've always hung on to that phrase, "God is working behind the scenes"... Just knowing that so much is happening on our behalf in the realm we don't "see" is comforting.
You are so ready for this new season. We are so proud of you and KNOW you will be successful in everything you put your hand to... so in the spirit of your "life verse" be strong and courageous as you launch out tomorrow and the weeks to come. These are exciting times.
Wow, that sounds really exciting-owning your own business can be challenging at times but the benefits and rewards are worth it. I know you will do amazing!
Love Esther
I am blown away - stunned- awe struck - amazed - but also confident - proud - prayerful - boastful - this is the new you! What a step of faith! What a giant leap! You have got to think you really know what you are doing! You could have sat back, let someone else carry the load & kept doing what you were already doing with success. But you have stepped up to the plate, taken the bat in hand, looked the pitcher square in the eye, and now you are saying "bring it"! Well, I am in the stands cheering for all I'm worth, and expecting a home run! You have the greatest business partners in the whole world - Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Go for it, Nathan Talbot!
Blessings as you take your next step.
Meems: Thank you for being so supportive through it all.
Esther: So glad you stopped by our blog. Thanks for the well wishes.
Pilgrim: Your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.
Adam: Thank You
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