
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

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AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

How do you decide?

How do you decide what you will read in your Bible each day?

I admit that I spend a lot of time in the New Testament. I just feel that no matter how many times I read through it and study the different books, that I have so much to learn. I feel like I am really getting a lot of applicable information that applies to me as a believer today under the new covenant. I could read the epistles over and over again, and I find myself doing it. I wonder sometimes if I am missing something not spending nearly as much time in the Old Testament.


Jane said...

Good question...I normally just let the Bible fall open and then close my eyes and put my finger on the page.

Okay, so that isn't true at all.

It really depends. Sometimes I might be studying a topic or subject and will use a concordance to direct my readings. The subject may have come up in another book that I am reading, a sermon I heard, a question a friend or family member asked, or just something that God is teaching me at that time.

Other times I read through an entire book of the Bible. I've done it so that I read through all the Gospels one after the other and other times I've read all of Paul's letters one after the other. This normally takes a while especially when I end up camping out in a specific book or even chapter. I also have a plan that takes you through the entire New Testament in 30 days and the entire Old Testament in 90 days...it's quite ambitious and it's been a while since I took the challenge. I also have read through Psalms and Proverbs in 30 days. (Breaks down to 10 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day).

Currently I'm reading through the book of Psalms. I'm not sure where I will go after that. It's been a while since I camped in the Old Testament, so I might hang out there a while.

Meems said...

I hear ya, Nathan Talbot. I'm all for the new convenant. And it is where I spend 95% of my Bible reading. The way I decide what to read? Hmmmm... Like Jane it is usually by how the Lord is dealing with me at the time or something I've heard that got me to thinking... or a message I want to further meditate on. Once I get started in the Bible I tend to go from one place to another as one thought stirs another thought and one Bible verse leads to another. I do also subscribe to reading entire books at a time... that's a lot of fun. Unless I get "stuck" somewhere... which has been known to happen on many an occasion. I tend to have a couple of translations in my stack at one time because I love to read a book from the NT and then read it in other translations.

My Bible reading time and devotion methods haven't changed much over all the years.It was the way I started out and it still works for me today.

Great Post.

Anonymous said...

A good friend gifted me with a Bible a couple of years ago. Not your typical one book Bible, though. It is the Bible, separated into four individual books. It is the NIV version, giant print edition, and it comes with specific rules, as follows:
1. This is my 'reading' Bible.
2. I will not 'highlight, underline or write' in this Bible.
3. I will not take time to look up words or study passages.
4. I want to know the whole counsel of God.
5. I am giving God material to work with in my life.

The sections are as follows:
Genesis thru 1 Samuel
II Samuel thru Psalms
Proverbs thru Malachi
The New Testament

They are about equal in size, each individually covered in a heavy, attractive fabric. Someone had come up with the idea of making the Bible more user friendly *(info provided later), and my friend picked up a couple of sets and gave me one.

The purpose of this format as stated is, "Reading to Know the Whole Counsel of God", with the following steps:
1. Giant Print Bible - it is easier for your eyes to move down the page.
2. Do not write, underline or highlight in this Bible. This will distract you the next go around. Keep a tablet nearby if you want to make a note to be considered later after reading.
3. Reading Institute of America - @ slowest reading rate, you will be reading between 30 to 40 minutes a day (15 pages). You will retain - don't worry. It it's taking longer, you're reading too slowly or you need to reduce the number of pages you're reading.
4. Familiar passages - you can go quicker.
Unfamiliar passages - you can slow down some.
Use a bookmark - guide your eyes/break the habit of reading slowly.

Reading Retention:
1. You will only recall 20% of what you read whether you read slowly or rapidly (American Reading Institute). So why read slowly?
2. The next time through, the Holy Spirit will give enlightment. You'll get more each time!

Difference Between Studying & Reading the Bible:
1. Studying - you're concentrating on 1 thing.
2. Reading - you're getting the WHOLE picture in a short amount of time.
*You want to see the whole counsel of God.
*You want to sense Him.
*You want to feel Him.
*You want to know what He is like.

There are additional comments which I won't note here.

I have several Bibles which are worn thin, highlighted, underlined, notes added, speakers & dates noted, etc. I also have others which are for reading through in 1 year, chronological, several translations on each page, in dialects, and some include testimonies & meditations. But I have found this Bible, which I am supposed to read only, helps me move on with my perusal of the whole Bible. I can pick up any one of the four individual books, read for several chapters without rereading any of my previous notations, or stopping to study out a word or verse, and get a broader picture of the purpose of the book of the Bible I am reading at that time.

Everyone has their own method, as noted by Jane & meems, and we sometimes settle into just a routine. I love researching words, and cross passages, and themes. At a much earlier time, I was very much into reading the Promise Books, which helped familiarize me with verses for a certain need or subject. But now, just reading the Bible in this way I described above, it has helped me realize the relaxing pleasure of just reading God's Word for my contentment and introspect and reflection on Him. I have really found enjoyment in that.

*Here is a footnote included with the Bible:
If you have questions, want to order sets of Bibles, or would like instructions on making the Bibles, contact Regina Isom @ 423-478-3831 or e-mail her at - reggieisom@msn.com
(I don't know if this info is still current however.