
With grateful hearts, we share our thoughts on redemption through Jesus Christ and His saving blood and what it looks like in our daily walk.

We gladly welcome your comments and input.
AND since we hold our conservative values dear, we might have a thing or two to say about politics... and we can almost guarantee it won't be politically correct.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

...'Til All I Do Is For You Alone

Thanks to mlm for covering for me last week. And a great post, too.

We had a marvelous vacation. I had lots of time to read my Bible, pray, meditate and “center my soul”. Each morning began the same for me waking before the sun crested over the distant mountains. With my Bible and my coffee, I greeted the day bundled up on the deck sitting in a rocking chair, contemplating the condition of my soul. There is just a connection that is alive and vibrant when I am outdoors with God’s creative beauty and it draws me into worship.

One of my favorite all-time scriptures is Jesus speaking in Matthew 11: 28-30, (from the Message Bible)…

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.”

These words call out to me in a most tender voice. I can “feel” the breath of God washing over me with rest for my soul as He gently and lovingly says… “Come… I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”

Something of note here is that, as in most instances, He does the beckoning and we must do the responding. Once I yield my heart to His beckoning He can then do the work in me which I so desperately need. I think of it this way. It is very much like when I accepted Him as my Savior and truly surrendered my life to Him. I heard the message of the gospel and something in my heart leaped out for what was being offered. Personally, I refused this offer for many years and though many invitations were made available, I flatly refused. But then one day, when that same call came …. “Come!” … I heard it with my heart and I responded with… “here I am.”

At that precise instant in time, my entire life was forever changed for the best. That was a long time ago but the tender call remains consistent … “Come!”

There’s a lot of talk these days about “core strength”. It is the area where your center of gravity is located and where all movement in your body originates. The term references strengthening all the abdominal and pelvic muscles which results in improving balance, overall coordination and increased protection and bracing for your back. In other words if your core isn’t strong, the rest of you will be lacking in some form or other. A weak core can make you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.

I see a strong similarity here to the core of our spiritual being. We often go about our daily activities without first going to the source of our strength to be built up in our “core”. When we worship God and take the time to give Him our love and attention, He somehow spiritually strengthens the center of our souls. When we live and breathe from that strengthened place, all other issues of life are braced up and balanced. We have energy beyond the normal and the ability to go the distance.

If it’s been a while since you responded to the call of your Savior to spend some valuable time with Him, I encourage you to do whatever it takes to set aside the cares of this world at least for a few minutes and answer His tender voice. There isn’t anything more important in your day or your busy life. You will be refreshed, restored and strengthened so you can run your race with joy.


MLM said...

Meems: I liked the photos from your trip and have almost forgiven you for not taking me with you. :o) Thanks for the post and the much-needed truths.

I love "The Message" translation of Matthew, especially "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." And I'm all for taking a real rest!

Your post also made me consider signing up for some excerise classes, as I've discovered my physical core is quite weak. Which made me consider my spiritual core...and ponder signing up for some exercise classes in that department too. But then I remembered Jesus' words in Matthew.

The remedy: "Keep company with Me." That's the secret to life, isn't it? And what could be more important than being with Jesus? You said, "There isn’t anything more important in your day or your busy life." This busy woman needed the reminder! Thanks.

Meems said...

mlm: i guess you could say that particular scripture is one of my "core scriptures". i continually reference it to get me back on track in this crazy world.

there is a sad commentary that is true for so many of us in that we seem to substitute the "knowledge of spiritual things" for truly connecting and learning of Jesus through spending time WITH Him. We are happy to read ABOUT Him, discuss Him, listen to others talk about Him, blog about Him :-)... and while none of that is wrong... if we don't consistently get to KNOW Him intimately... well, the Bible says 'knowledge' puffs us up.

i liked your summation of the remedy: "keep company with Me". know matter what season of life we are in it is essential to set apart the time to give Him all of our attention.

it's kind of like this. i have some relatives that live in another state. for the most part i am content with hearing news 'of them' just so i can keep up with what is going on. but the relationship takes on a whole other level and intimacy (so to speak) when i do visit with them face to face. my perspective changes, i connect with my heart easier, no longer am i hearing ABOUT what's happening i'm in the middle of what's happening.

of course that is a natural relationship. but with Jesus-- because it is spiritual-- the connection with Him is by the Spirit of God and though it is difficult to describe in human terms, that connection is full of benefits like peace and joy and love and forgiveness and confidence and assurance and on and on...and when i have those things imparted to me i can DO all i am required to do in my every day life.

so why do we have such a hard time making time for Him? i think because we get by on our knowledge of Him and our salvation alone affords us so much comfort. but then we run ragged DOING the work of the gospel and wonder why life is so difficult.

i think i just wrote a whole other post... oops.